It's more the people that make vBulletin what it is. Aside from a few authors here, everyone one else is more than helpful with just about anything that has to do with vBulletin. If it can be dreamed up, it can usually be coded to work with vb. If you look at most other bulletin board software out there, it doesn't even come close to having all of the possibilities that you have with vb. Just take a look at the Attachment viewer, for instance. A simple idea that turned out to be one of the greatest hacks I have ever seen. And there are a hundred more that I could mention that make owning vBulletin the only way to go.
If it wasn't for the people, like Firefly and Lesane and Scott (PPN) and yes, even you too, Logician

and everyone else here at and over at, vBulletin would be just another board as far as I am concerned. Just my 3.75 cents worth (inflation, you know).
Originally posted by FireFly
And people forget that vBulletin's price isn't that high, compared to UBB and co. Of course there are free boards, but they will never provide the same quality when it comes to support, let alone the product itself.