Originally Posted by Mark.B
Nobody has said anything about closing this site. I'm not sure where all this has come from.
I said that if this site becomes nothing more than a host for people to solicit paid work for versions which are no longer officially supported there is no reason for it to be kept open.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that the site is doing nothing constructive for the promotion of vB5. Why would IB keep open a site that serves no purpose to the only software version they are currently selling and officially supporting? That was the question I asked, to which I received no answer, valid or otherwise.
The end isn't here. IB and KKR, more specifically, have far more than enough capital to see vB5 through to fruition. That doesn't mean this site continues to serve what IB considers a useful purpose. What would be lost in their eyes if they simply moved everything related to the vB5 product over to vbulletin.com? It's not as though there is so much traffic the server couldn't handle the additional load.