Originally Posted by djbaxter
Are you seriously going to try to tell me the issue wasn't caused by version 3.6.3?
I am seriously going to tell you that maybe the issue was hotfixed* between the first day v3.6.3 was released (13th February 2017, according to this page:
https://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/stor...t-thanks-like/ ) and 20th April 2017.
I am also seriously going to tell you that maybe you downloaded v3.6.3 somewhere in that 2 month period (or however long it was in between noticing the issue and fixing it).
Lastly, I am going to seriously tell you that since this thread, the vB3 thread and our site is not flooded with people experiencing the same issue (in spite hundreds of downloads), chances are the latest version of the files do not contain this issue.
* by "hotfix", I mean fixing the issue without releasing a new version. Files may be patched @ DBTech without the release date or version number changing, and new .zip files may be generated and uploaded here @ vBulletin.org without releasing a new version.