Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman
So then do this:
- Install Cartplog.
- Redirect the subscriptions page to a category in cartplog housing the subscriptions you've added as products. *Only adding them so they're listed, you're going to change the template code next*.
- Change the button code so it subs out the cartplog product so you're actually signing up for a subscription, Paypal should handle the rest and then the subscriptions in vB will do the last part.
Basically you're using Cartplog but only as a container space for your different subscriptions, you're tricking the button in the template by modifying the code so when they click to buy the subscription the rest is handled by the vBulletin subscriptions system and paypal. Cartplog won't be used for purchasing at all per say but there to help you achieve what you want.
Edit: Ahh I may have overthought your initial inquiry... in PayPal there is an area where you can generate buttons and copy/paste the corresponding html code onto your website - that might be what you're looking to do here truth be told just read my above reply and you'll know which is the right way for you.
Hey Superman thanks for chiming in!
I'll have to look into cartplog and see what that's about.
I currently have a custom button in Paypal that can of course I can plop anywhere in the forum, the problem is that there's no way to integrate the Paypal button, or any kind of button with the forum so whoever purchases the product their usergroup is updated.
The link/button would have to somehow load and send the applicable data into the button code (whatever username/product id variables vb sends to Paypal) to be sent back via api after the sale.
We just want to cut that paid subscriptions page out of the picture. User clicks "buy button" and goes straight to the payment processor like a normal sales process.
I'm going to investigate cartplog now and see what it does.