Allright form the top, if your question has already been answered i will answer it again, to clear it up for otehr people
Also i really do hate the quote reply posts, however, in theis situation of being rushed with questions i must :P
Originally posted by ULTIMATESSJ
thanx, i got the hack installed and it works, a few little problems though, when you are talking to someone, their username doesn't show up, but only their avatar, would it be possiblt to put their entire postbit in there, also is it possible for admins to remove rooms and delete posts inside
That is the way the hotel works, i purposely left out all the post bit stuff, cause it is meant for 2 people, in which case you will know the other person by their avatar. and if you want a username, above it read one of my previous posts on this thread explaing ho, i am not 100% sure that it will wor, however, if someone tries it please let me know. To use your post bit, i must make some majore modifications for the hack to work liek that, in which i do not have time for, however, maybe in a future update. About admins removing rooms and deleteing posts, you can do this through your database, in the hotel or hotel post tables.. I will not however make coding for them to be deleted otherwise because that defeats the purpose of 100% private rooms... Although the next big update on it may have an adminpanel option to delete a room that has not been used for a given amount of time.
Originally posted by ceo_tfw
What download do I use, there are so many I am not sure, please can you help
the one in the first thread, it is the most updated, plus on the db page that dl link is updated aswel.
Originally posted by bandersen
I have a question - can the receiver ( or Mods or Admins) enter the rooms by clicking a link in the PM and avoid typing room name/key?
they can send the url of the room to anyone, the url includes the key in it..
You may need to update, to 1.1 to fix the pm link problems, if that is what you are having
Originally posted by skyline2002
thank you . this is very nice idea. but i think your hack still has many bugs.
just like the bug below:
in register room form, if the room opener forget to fill in some information(just like to username ),and send the form. it will show us a system error.
i think you'd better to add some javascript funcation to chcek,are the Req. information filled. if not, popup a window to tell the opener must fill in xxxxx,before send register form.
sorry about my poor english , hope you can understand it.
thanks in advance!!
These things will be fixed in the next big update, but for now it is fuctional.
Originally posted by SgtSling
is there a limit of rooms that peole can create?
Does the posts count towards the post count?
No there is no limit there will be admin features to make limits in the next big release of it. It does not count torward post count, but I may also make an admin option for it to int he next big release.
Originally posted by ceo_tfw
is there an option that after you open a new HOTEL ROOM you can pm other members with code that you want to enter
you can forward the email or pm sent to you and otehr people can enter in with the same link, cause the link includes the key.
Originally posted by grog6
Very good hack !
Thx, just installed on a v2.2.1, it works wonderfull
I just add a little modification to refresh pages ! :lick:
Cool, if you want to post a doc with the edits for that, im sure the other peopl eusing it will appriciate it :}