Originally Posted by WOLF-G4MIN-X
Hi guys, I got a question.
I am using the mod, which lets me rename the register.php to something else. Is that a problem in combination with this Mod here ?
Is there no FAQ or some about that ? As soon as I disable registrations on vBulleting, which if I understood that correct, can be done, i also cant invite people anymore. So Registration has to be enabled ?
I am confused ! Help please.
Thanks so much.
I can now understand what you mean. If I disable the registration to new members, then I can no longer access to invites to send invitations since it is locked. So no matter it is toggled on/off on disable no new invites. I can't see where to sent invitations? Does anyone know how this is supposed to work? I would guess I should be able to send invitation even registration is closed. If I do not disactivate registration, anyone can still register without any invitation. Thanks!