I have v 2.3.0 installed and it works fine except for 2 issues I'm trying to resolve. I'm using vBulletin v 4.2.5.
1) There is no option for me to set up how attachments are saved. I'm concerned I'm going to eventually have a corrupted database since there's no way of knowing where my attachments are going to be saved. This image shows my control panel on this matter.
2) Issue Type Manager - No matter how I try to configure this I can't get the color styles applied to my issues. The attached images show what I have set up in Issue Manager. The dark styles are different than the light styles, which, according to the instructions they must be. So I don't think that's the problem.
I've also set up the status color ID's in vBulletin options. This doesn't seem to work either. Have I entered the IDs correctly? I don't have any documentation on what the ID actually is.
I also changed the Issue color to "Severity Color" and that didn't work either.
If anyone can help me out, it would be mucho appreciated!