Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5
Running VB 3.8.11 and after making the change talked about in post 26, copied here from the VB 4.x version of this mod, working fine:
Note- Line 14 to be edited is in the file to be uploaded /includes/class_humanverify_new_recaptcha.php.
I'm a little confused. I know Recaptcha 1 is going away, so updating to version 2 is required now if you want to use Recaptcha at all.
I'm running vB 4.2.5, php 7.1.
I see there is a vB 4 version of this mod. What exactly do I need to alter in the upload files of the vB 4 version to get Recaptcha 2 to work? Are you saying that all I need to do is edit the
/includes/class_humanverify_new_recaptcha.php file as annotated and then install the version 4 mod?