Originally Posted by PattiOz
Done, thank you. I have successfully installed on the new 7.0 version of XAMPP.
However now I am getting the message
Unable to verify platform [http://localhost/xxxx/index.php?option=com_vbsso] Please analyze log files located at `D:\XAMPP70\htdocs\xxxx\forums\vbsso\logs\` to detect the cause of the issue.
Error message:
product: 5
version: 3.8.1
plugin_version: 1.0.3
error: Wrong Shared Password
I have tried https and non https. Changed the keys, but still the same error in the log file.
Wed Nov 22 09:11:13 2017,765 [13248] ERROR localFileLogger - Communication: Platform returned error: Wrong Shared Password
I have searched the comments for a similar error and found you responded to someone else with the same problem. So I enabled DEBUG to get the full error message. Let me know if I should PM it to you or if you have a fix already.
Thank you for details.
Please check out next moment:
- are you using the latest vBSSO versions?
- other requirements - Installed PHP cURL, mCrypt extensions?
and submit a ticket support at
https://www.vbsso.com/submit-a-request/ (please attach log
files, links to both sites etc).
We will check the log files and do our best to help you.