I had the same issue but I can help you fix this. The issue is that the code only looks for "http" urls and not "https", among others when acting on the auto moderation.
Download this plugin and extract the files on your drive. Open the file named "product-glowhostspamomatic.xml" with a text editor.
Search for all instances of this line; I believe there are two of them.
$link_count = substr_count(strtolower($this->fetch_field('pagetext', 'post')), 'http:');
Replace that line so that it looks like this:
$url_pattern = '#[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~\#?&//=]{2,256}\.[a-z]{2,4}\b(\/[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~\#?&//=]*)?#si';
$link_count = preg_match_all($url_pattern, strtolower($this->fetch_field('pagetext', 'post')));
$link_count += substr_count($this->fetch_field('pagetext', 'post'), '@');
This change will catch all variations of URLs being posted in your forum, not just if they start with http or https so this does a much better job of catching spam.
Under Admin > Manage Products > Add/Import Product:
Once you've made the changes, you can install the plugin again but make sure to select the radio button to "Allow Overwrite".