Originally Posted by Zarxrax
What would you recommend that I do for spam protection then? It's a real problem on my board and akismet doesnt catch it.
StopForumSpam will catch a good deal of it if set up to check both IP addresses and e-mail addresses. Unfortunately, it won't catch everything.
The new Recaptcha will catch virtually all spambots but human spammers can still bypass it.
I find the most effective spam tool is still using the Question And Answer function. If you ask questions that only real people with a genuine interest in your forum can answer, and that don't have "yes" or "no" or "true" or "false" type answers it will stop most of the spam most of the time.
If, for example, you are a math forum, and you ask "How many pieces of pii are in a circle?" only a math nerd would even understand the question. It's not something answerable by a bot or most human spammers.