Originally Posted by brandon515
I am looking to integrate Vbulletin and Wordpress. Is there a way, with this plugin, that I can only allow users that a part of a specific Vbulletin usergroup to access my Wordpress site?
Thank you for reaching out.
Please use Allowed User Groups vBSSO option: here you can specify group id that will have the permission to be authenticated via vBSSO connection. Those users group id who are not specified in Allowed User Groups will be authenticated ONLY in vBulletin but not in the connected platforms.
For example:
1. Connect vBSSO WordPress, vBSSO Joomla and vBSSO vBulletin.
2. Fill in these fields:
- Allowed User Groups: 1,2,3,4.
- Allowed WordPress User Groups: 1,2.
- Allowed Joomla User Groups: 3,4.
This will mean that all 4 groups will have a permission to be authenticated in all platforms, but the first and the second - only in WordPress, the third and the fourth - only in Joomla.
More details at