Originally Posted by final kaoss
I checked it earlier today and it does look like it's resolved  Back on topic, can you list your addons used so that we can narrow down which may affect your reputation issue?
Thank you for checking!!! I appreciate it
So my list of products:
- DragonByte Tech: Advanced User Tagging (Lite) 3.2.4 Advanced User Tagging lets your members quickly alert eachother to threads they might be interested in.
- Forum Runner 4.2.3 Adds push notification for your users using Forum Runner on the iPhone/iPod/iPad. Also takes care of notifying users that your forum supports Forum Runner if they are viewing from a supported device.
- Minimum Password Length 1.0.2 Allows you to force user passwords to be at least a certain length.
- Panjo 4.2.3 Classifieds integration that increases engagement, grows membership, and generates a new stream of revenue.
- PostRelease 4.2.3 Official PostRelease plugin for vBulletin
-Quote Notification 1.1.0 Notifies a user when they're quoted in a post
- Tapatalk 5.4.3 Tapatalk mobile app plugin for vb4.
- Thumbs Up? 1.9 Thumbs Up/Down system for all content of vBulletin!
- Today's Top Poster(s) 4.2.2 by Hasann
- [OzzModz] Default Member Avatar 1.1.0 A avatar to use for members that don't have one