Originally Posted by cellarius
No, it can't. Bacause many coders of said addons left the vB ecosystem precisely because of vB5 and company policy, and if a company representative decides to conveniently forget that. What you expect is something like:
That argument is a non sequitur. It's like leaving your job with Dodge because you loved the old Charger but hate the new one. vB4 developers could have kept right on developing for vB4. The fact that many of them were unable to grasp the API in vB5 doesn't prevent coding for vB4. Many coders left without any explanation whatsoever. At least one left for health reasons. One passed away. One continues to update its vB4 products while refusing to work on its vB5 products. Some have become vB staff members and have far less time for developing and maintaining modifications. There are far more reasons why vB4 modifications are out of date than just "vB5 was garbage when it was released."