Originally Posted by In Omnibus
I was under the impression this is a vbulletin 4 general discussions thread. It would be nice if not every thread devolved into a vbulletin5 bashing contest.
Most assume that
should be the case however how can someone accurately comment on the original posters inquiry without it evolving into something along those lines? vB5 lead to the downfall of modification development at vBulletin.org imho. If vB5 would have allowed customization with a in-depth plugin system (lol or at least something similar to vB4) FROM THE BEGINNING many of the coders from that era would have stayed, would have continued development, and would be much more pleased with the product AND
would have more than likely continued developing matching vB4/vB5 mods like we used to see simultaneous vB3/vB4 modification releases. No one realizes that (this is my opinion) back then vB4 was being hacked left and right, so they took out the plugin system in vB5 I remember Paul told me he was tasked with removing it - ACK! Also they didn't allow it at all on the cloud based on that in a sense too but more so overall security reasons. Basically they wanted to save face imo, if you just had over 30k of your customers vBulletin powered sites hacked in a 6 month span and it was all over the then "interwebz" and the tech sites well...
Normally I would have agreed with you about it being derailed but every so often a thread is not that bad OR its borderline with both subjects correlating and like I mentioned above the vB4 current state of things was affected by the release of vB5 and the continued lack-there-of plugin system until here recently.
If you're on vB4 you can still find great mods that still work fine, you can also hire a developer in the paid requests section or via third-party sites to design and code a modification if you truly want it.