not meaning to beat on a dead horse but there really are some valid points here which IB seems to not get or else ignore for some reason...
to compound things, this whole vb5 problems episode comes at the worse possible time... when forums themselves are struggling in the first place....i can understand a pressure to make it more modern, like adding the social media buttons of last upgrade...but seriously things that are built into it RIGHT NOW....NEED TO WORK....
stop pushing forward adding new features before basic things work, that has to be a solid logic by now right? you can angle for those "lifetime buys" of people who will pretty surely end up hating the product once they actually try to use it...and/or be unable to revert back....but should that really be the main target market and strategy??? how long can that last?
what i notice most these days is the instagraming facebookers of the world have very low patience so things need to make sense intuitive, and most importantly WORK.
if you have to explain how to create content with a long article explaining half working buggy functions and doubled up functions that create problems if not done properly already lost them, they just closed the window called your site a joke and went back to facebook....