Originally Posted by Mark.B
vB5 is not a good choice
Some might say that sentence should end there.
Telling people that coders left because people got demanding really is misleading. There have always been people that were demanding. Most people left for other reasons. Poor quality (and having a finally rather usable version after five years is not something to be proud of), and company policy (which did not change, see recent events here).
But as always, when people say they want to upgrade or migrate, involving any software, I always question them as to why. If you have a successful, functioning forum, what are the compelling reasons to upgrade or change? Whatever platform it's on, if it works, the default position should be "leave it alone".
And you really think it's not telling that vB 5, after five years on the market, should not offer good reasons for most, if not every user to upgrade? However you try to rationalize it?