Originally Posted by tanzeelniazi
Also i see lots of error in error log file looks like
PHP Code:
2017-10-06 11:15:10.802 [INFO] [1**.1**.2**.1**:2***3] File not found [/home/XXXXX/public_html/404.shtml]
That means the file is not found, you can specify in .htaccess which file you want as your 404, if you do not have that file on the server i.e. 404.shtml then its producing errors because its trying to tell the guests or members that a page does not exist, except that page does not exist!
Open your .htaccess file and look for something similar to:
ErrorDocument 404 /404.shtml
If its not there then it would be via vbseo/dbseo you can specify in settings where/what your 404 page is. If you do not have a 404 page you can try this:
Edit: Your English is fine since its ESL, you're doing great!