Originally Posted by Brandon Sheley
The key is not doing the same thing everyone else is doing with their forums
There are still very successful forums out there, and there are forums with great search engine traffic as well from quality content.. eg searching for repair info for my truck I was always landing on the same trailblazer forum
There are still people who like to type, generally they are older people..lol
cater to them 
I was always more into gaming, and my days of hosting thousands of files like maps, mods etc are also mostly over, because of these times have passed too mostly, since most games dont even allow maps and mods anymore, unless they're official and you pay for it from the Games developer.
As for older

, yes , we mid-40s generation still like to type.

Thats true.
But still, in order for me to get excited again, i have to find some nice Mods and some nice themes for me to really do something for a forum. And in that big pile of mostly "outdated" Mods, I dont even know which one is still secure and works without issues even now. And since most of the people that created them, are not arround anymore, things are not as easy as it was before.