Hello guys i have a problem 4 hours ago my site is down and when i chat from hosting man he clear all unwanted files and others but site going slow and down position after he search found a big problem he says:
Server: showthread.php This file is consuming more cpu resources on the server. I have renamed it for temporary
And now your domain also loading fine with good load speed.
ME: major problem if i open any thread i rec 404 error
Server: I have restored it now
Me: again 100/100 error

, before my site is working fine first time today i see this problem
Server: Yes its not the issue from the server
I request you to optimise the below file on your domain
These files consuming high cpu on the server Because of that you are facing this issue.
i suggest you to update plugin themes and optimize the domain scripts frequently as well
How to optimize this situation ? Help please
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I am using 4.2.0 and have some Mods install but not so much