I actually installed yours, then went back and reinstalled the old one from the old thread that I manually updated the PhP 7 code for, because (and I don't even know why), whatever you had on this thread was not even working at all for me. My suggestion would be to make the default version the updated one that works with PhP 7 (I believe you have now done that), and include a text file with code to explain how to revert it for use with PhP 5.6 The way it is now, someone might still think that he needs to alter the code to make it work with PhP 7.
Actually I am not sure what you've done because I see this code in the app:
$messagetext = preg_replace_callback(
'#(^|\[/(' . $skiptaglist . ')\])(.*(\[(' . $skiptaglist . ')\]|$))#siU',
function ($matches)
return convert_url_to_bbcode_callback_auto_title($matches[3], $matches[1]);
Which seems to be a mixture of the old code:
$messagetext = preg_replace(
'#(^|\[/(' . $skiptaglist . ')\])(.*(\[(' . $skiptaglist . ')|$))#siUe',
"convert_url_to_bbcode_callback_auto_title('\\ 3', '\\1')",
and the new:
$messagetext = preg_replace_callback(
'#(^|\[/(' . $skiptaglist . ')\])(.*(\[(' . $skiptaglist . ')|$))#siU',
function($m) { return convert_url_to_bbcode_callback_auto_title($m[3], $m[1]); },
lol I'm a little hesitant to reinstall what ain't broke, so I'm sticking with what works that I got from the old thread and will just wait to see what happens with this new thread. Thanks!