A sincere THANK YOU to all who have volunteered and are stepping down.
The direction of the product and IB are not looking healthy AT ALL, in my opinion. They've chased away most of the customers, now the staff. It took too many years for VB5 to become a viable/stable product, and it wasn't until recently that it started to be something I would consider. (I did buy it a few years ago, but went back) Meanwhile, vb4 was left to age and become stale. Meanwhile, Facebook and the competition have kept innovating.
I think maybe a different pricing model would have been healthier for the company, like Xenforo has, with a reasonable yearly fee that supports ongoing development. The current method starves the company at the very time they need the resources to put out a new version number that lets them collect money again, so it comes up short of its goals. (or at least that's how it looks to this customer)
THANK YOU to the volunteers!