Originally Posted by rbc
@In Omnibus
I use PHP Version 5.6.24-pl0-gentoo, exactly the same as on my live board.
What i did today ! :
I did a fresh installation of vBulletin 4.2.4
Then the installation of vB Project Tools v. 2.2.2 works just fine.
Then i did an upgrade to vBulletin 4.2.5 - PT still there and visible.
try to add a new issue, results in a white page.
i did a new import of the product PT xml.
still the same -> white page.
(Its no problem to me, because this is only on a test site)
PT 2-2-2 works just fine on my live Board with vBulletin 4.2.4!
best regards
Odd. That's the same PHP version I'm using on my test site. I'm trying to think of what else might be causing the issue but my knowledge of the changes between 4.2.4 and 4.2.5 as it relates to project tools specifically is limited to say the least. If I get some free time later I'll test this in debug mode on a clean installation.