Originally Posted by Darvesh
there is no doubt comparing to IBP or other forum softwares VB provides its users a wide range of features such as blog CMS etc . i am a bit concerned about its compatibility with social media apps . as we know social media is dominating web . secondly i would like to install some cool VB features on our forum
1.post like/dislike option
2.Multimedia supported Mods (Youtube/dailymotion/vimeo
3.top poster/ thread mod
4.user group legend
5.SEO (i found one on dragon byte web site .again that supports only 4.x not 5.x)
i find a wide range of VB mods/plugins on this site .i can check them out later .above ones are my top priority
Mark could help you with those installations .........but one thing i would like to suggest ......get a good hosting first ......we have had a horrible HORRIBLE experience with hosting providers .......i ended up simply giving up LOL