Originally Posted by MarkFL
You should see how many nomination each thread has received when you open up the list of nominated threads.
Also, if you hover your mouse over the number of nominations, a tooltip will show you a list of users who have nominated the threads.
The User Nominated & Featured tables are different on my forum. I am trying to find a way to sort the threads by number of nominated votes (or at least know how many votes they got) so that when I manually add new ones, I have a little more visibility into which ones to eliminate.
First I couldn't get people to use it on our new forum and suddenly they're using it everywhere so your add-on is a major success!
The "Rating Threshold" is the minimum rating average a thread must have before being including in the "User-Rated Threads" list. The "Votes Threshold" is the minimum number of votes a threads must have before being included.
For example, you might wish to only have 5 star threads in the list, but you want a thread to have at least 5 votes as well, this way you don't see those that have only gotten a small number of votes.
Thank you.
The only way to limit the number is to use the option "Yes, And Penultimate Thread Is Removed"...this way when the newest thread is added, the previous auto-added thread is removed.
I don't have a way to limit this by number.
This will make things difficult when our forum gets busy. Would you be available to tailor this for our needs when donations start rolling in? We'd compensate you of course. One feature I'd love is the ability to put these in a couple of widgets on the CMS. I hope I didn't break any VB rules by asking that!
(on edit, I found the admin setting for "Yes, And Penultimate Thread Is Removed" but I'd still like it tailored
