Originally Posted by chloe101
Thank you! That seems to have worked beautifully. I can now reorder the threads without the SQL error.
Great...glad to hear it.
Originally Posted by chloe101
Additional question if you don't mind... Is it possible to see how many nominations each thread received? It's entirely possible I'm missing something obvious.
You should see how many nomination each thread has received when you open up the list of nominated threads. Only those who have been designated as managers can do this...but since you are reordering threads, you are a manager already.
Also, if you hover your mouse over the number of nominations, a tooltip will show you a list of users who have nominated the threads.
Originally Posted by chloe101
Also, I am not sure what the "Rating Threshold" in the Nominations setting means and how it correlates to the "Votes Threshold".
The "Rating Threshold" is the minimum rating average a thread must have before being including in the "User-Rated Threads" list. The "Votes Threshold" is the minimum number of votes a threads must have before being included.
For example, you might wish to only have 5 star threads in the list, but you want a thread to have at least 5 votes as well, this way you don't see those that have only gotten a small number of votes.
Originally Posted by chloe101
I have the settings on Auto-Add Featured threads but that's adding an awful lot of threads at the top of my forum. Is it possible to limit the number of threads to 5 or 6 if I use Auto-Add?
The only way to limit the number is to use the option "Yes, And Penultimate Thread Is Removed"...this way when the newest thread is added, the previous auto-added thread is removed.
I don't have a way to limit this by number.
I use this feature at MHB for our "Problem Of The Week" forums...when a new problem is posted in one of our problem categories (High School/University/Post-Grad), last week's problem is auto-removed, and the new problem is auto-added.