One of the greatest reasons Vbulletin is so nice is because of its developers environmental interface (my term, much known as the AdminCp). No other bulletin board system I've used has one this nice, reliable, and easy to use. I wish webpages were based on structures and layouts like the templating system in Vbulletin is. When VB3 is released I'm sure it'll stomp all those bulletin boards out there, mostly with its improved template system that will make us all awe at it's power. If I could make only one suggestion to VB, it would be to stylize their website more

(attract more attention). Maybe use flash. I know that suggestion had nothing to do with vbulletin itself..but umm, oh well..
Speaking of flash, has there been any development on a totally flash-based PHP/MYSQL forums? that would be coooool (if possible)