Originally Posted by Tri@de
1)i'd like to use different dices for different games.
2) i'd like to have also the way to use different dices as 1d4 1d8 1d20 1d100 and how much i want 3d8, 2d4 10d100
What you need to do if create/find or otherwise obtain sets of images that show each face of an individual die. For each set, the image file names need to begin with the same string of text and end with a number corresponding to the value of the face.
You may have noticed that the default set I include had the names:
- dice-1.png
- dice-2.png
- dice-3.png
- dice-4.png
- dice-5.png
- dice-6.png
In the product settings, I gave this set the identifier "1" by including the line:
This means your users can use the following code:
to get 5 six-sided dice randomly generated.
So, to use other sets, you need to upload the image set, with the files appropriately named, to the folder "images/dice" on your server, and then include the identifier string in your settings.
Originally Posted by Tri@de
3) a way to not let the user change the roll he has done.
The only way I know to do that is to prevent your users from being able to edit their posts. I will add a setting that allows you to make this product active only in selected forums, and then for those forums, you will need to edit the forum permissions for each usergroup you don't want editing their posts.
Originally Posted by Tri@de
4) can sum the rolls example: [sroll]3d6 and have in output 6-3-1 tot= 10
I can make that an option, and display the output in tabular format.
Originally Posted by Tri@de
5) can change the output from images to numbers
Do you mean once the post has been made, you want the ability to change the post so that numbers are shown rather than the images?
I'll wait until we get all these issues sorted out before updating the product.