Thank you SO MUCH!
--------------- Added [DATE]1493807827[/DATE] at [TIME]1493807827[/TIME] ---------------
Originally Posted by MarkFL
If you have any questions about the use of this product (such as how to add more sets of images), please feel free to ask. If you have any suggestions for improvement, please let me know. 
Thank you i will write here all i have in my mind:
1)i'd like to use different dices for different games.
if il play monopoly i use regular 1d6
if i play Star wars Imperial assoult i use this type of dice:
So i have to discrimiate them using [ dice=swia] for imperial assault
2) i'd like to have also the way to use different dices as 1d4 1d8 1d20 1d100 and how much i want 3d8, 2d4 10d100
3) a way to not let the user change the roll he has done.
4) can sum the rolls example: [sroll]3d6 and have in output 6-3-1 tot= 10
5) can change the output from images to numbers
6) is it possible also to customize/create dices via admincp?