Originally Posted by Stratis
Ηι Christos, whatever I tried, I could not make this to work for me.
Always stuck at last part, when save video always get
Forbidden (error 403)
You don't have permission to access /video_usercp.phpon this server.
I checked every thing, all is as supposed to be.
Do you think that might be something from my server?, that does not let me to have access? If I be sure for this I than can speak with server support.. 
Hi Strati,
I've 2 active demo installations and another 13 here (vB4+vB3). Nobody reported something similar. If I understood well the mod fetches the data correct (you can see them in the form) and when you click "Save", you're getting that error. Am I right?
At that point, 2 issues can be possible:
- Your path to thumbs is wrong at: Videoclub-> General Options-> Server Path to Thumbs (no ending slash).
- The php function "copy" does not works: copy(''.$videothumb.'', ''.$vbulletin->options["videoclub_serverpath"].'/tmp/'.$logo.'');