Originally Posted by mitch84
Sorry, I uninstalled it for vtube, it work fine
A simple uninstall, is more polite. Maybe needs to add a comparization chart here? If your needs is just a YouTUBE player then you can go there. Don't compare the price.
And you know something? I coded this mod in just 3 days just because I found frustated someone to ask xx Euros for a "shell". Because (even mine) is nothing more than a shell to video providers.
But you didn't replied to my question. Have you tried the link that is not working for you in my demo installation?
demouser1 / demopass1
@mich84 ..... I remember you many years ago, and I've supported all your questions. Am I right? Yes, I'm. So at least be polite and don't advertise in my thread other mods.
Thank you for your understanding
Christos Teriakis