Originally Posted by HM666
Question is are there enough people interested in a CMS for vB3 or have they moved on to vB4?
I think that most of them (like me) have moved to vB4. But still have the ability to download vB3 and test it. I believe that they'll like it. I don't expect to downgrade their main site to vB3 but have seen many sales of licenses around $30-$50. So not a big deal to buy a new license. The main reason that admins moved (or planing to move) to vB4 or any other forum script is because they can't find support for their current mods. I've in plans to support vB3 community.
Originally Posted by HM666
I know there are still a few vB3 sites out there, but I'm not sure how many.
Nobody knows. But I've found a lot of them.
Originally Posted by HM666
It seems a shame to put so much work into something that may not potentially be a demand at this time for people. I think having a CMS would be great, but would there be enough interest?
I'm getting it more as a hobby than as work. I'm a bit over 60 and on this age people tend to return to their start point. And I started with vB3. Working with CMS I felt like being 50yo and not 61yo
Another advantage is that is easy to convert it for vB4. There is a trick for it. When the old days I was coding for vB3 I had no idea on how the vB4 coding should be. Now I know. So I'm truying to use such style of coding that will works in both. As a simple example. vB3 does not needs variable declaration in php files while vB4 needs it. Now, even if the code is for vB3, I'm declaring them, something that is not causing any problems to vB3 but it will be ready for vB4. To make the long story short. I need just a full day work to modify the code for vB4.
Another important point is how much someone expects to earn from a project. As I'm retired now an earning of $1,000 should be fine for me. This can be from public sales and/or from simple customizations.
Last but not least. I'm feeling very happy that I'm still active in the ship while others who were blame me in the past have leave the ship long time ago. Maybe I've changed many times my nicknames, maybe I've removed many mods, but I'm always here and I never release rubbish or half featured mods. Yes, it's true that I focus more in PHP scripts now and also plan to code for xF 2 when it will comes in life. But vBulletin (the software and not the company), was... is.... and will be for ever in my heart.