Originally Posted by MarkFL
Update - Version 1.1:
- Added setting to allow exempting individual users by username.
They aren't actually hard-coded. You can change them by editing the "Alert Message Phrases." 
Thank you.
This request for modification of the MOD was the result of it's impact on one specific member on our forum. He is an elderly man, isolated (mainly) from the rest of the world, and his only real contact with 'people' is through our forum. He has memory issues as well, and he uses our Help the New Guy forum exclusively, even though he has been a member now for quite a long time and has made many, many posts. But he (still) considers himself "the new guy" and so, posts exclusively in that forum. He was taken aback when he tried to make a new thread (in that forum) and receive the message that he could not. He thought that he had become 'non grata' for some reason he didn't understand, and reached out to me.