I'd like to add 3 more metadata fields to the CMS (new) article template.
Style> vbcms_edit_metadataeditor
I added the following:
<div class="blockrow">
<label class="thirdleft">{vb:rawphrase meta_mynewfield}</label>
<div class="twothirdsright"><input type="text" name="mynewfield" id="mynewfield" size="30" value="{vb:raw mynewfield}" tabindex="1" class="textbox fullwidth" /></div>
<div class="blockrow">
<label class="thirdleft">{vb:rawphrase meta_mynewfield2}</label>
<div class="twothirdsright"><input type="text" name="mynewfield2" id="mynewfield2" size="30" value="{vb:raw mynewfield2}" tabindex="1" class="textbox fullwidth" /></div>
<div class="blockrow">
<label class="thirdleft">{vb:rawphrase meta_mynewfield3}</label>
<div class="twothirdsright"><input type="text" name="mynewfield3" id="mynewfield3" size="30" value="{vb:raw mynewfield3}" tabindex="1" class="textbox fullwidth" /></div>
Those particular fields are populated in the cms_nodeinfo- I added 3 new columns and the data successfully populates into the field.
in packages\vbcms\item\content.php I added:
$getMYNEWFIELD = vB::$vbulletin->db->query_first("SELECT MYNEWFIELD FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "cms_nodeinfo WHERE nodeid = " . $this->nodeid);
So now when I add an article, there are 3 new fields listed under the metadata. Those fields save properly in the nodeinfo table.
The problem is that no matter what I try I cannot call the data to appear in the vbcms_page .
I've tried
<meta name="myfieldname1" content="{vb:raw MYFIELDNAME1}" />
and this
<meta name="myfieldname1" content="{vb:raw vboptions.MYFIELDNAME1}" />
{vb:raw FIELDNAME}
the data is populated in the cms_nodeinfo but I can't get it to display in the metadata field ... any ideas?