Originally Posted by meissenation
Was seeing errors in my PHP log about bad code with 4.2.x so I wanted to upgrade to the latest and greatest.
See, this is your issue right here.
A few errors in the php logs does not a valid upgrade reason make.
Upgrading is not a magic wand that fixes all known issues. A broken site that gets upgraded more often than not results in an upgraded, but still broken, site.
When this happens you need to investigate what the errors are, whether they even matter (most php errors are actually warnings of some sort and aren't of any consequence), and then try to fix them.
An upgrade should be because you want something that's in the new release. Not to run the 'latest and greatest'.
Upgrading to vB5 does not magically stop people visiting your site.
Sorry to sound brutal but 'rushing to upgrade for no reason' is one of the things I rail passionately against. People do it for the wrong reasons and often end up killing their boards because they didn't think it though.