Originally Posted by KURTZ
Zach, another request: is it possible to add the possibility to put a banner into a specific Social Group?
Good idea. I will look in on it.
Originally Posted by Aramist
Hi Zach,
In my board, it's showing banner on threads, and the show thread option is off.
Any clue?
I had some code off.
VER 2.2 is now updated and works.
2.2 - 3.12.2017
- Fixed banner showing up on threads when selected "No"
In your Admin Control Panel
Admincp => Plugin System => Manage Products
Click [Add/Import Product]
Browse for the file "product-banner_image.xml"
Allow Overwrite should be on
Originally Posted by smirkley
Love this mod.
If you were to make an option to add a banner to the blogs, groups too, it would be perfecto.
Right on !! I will look in on it.
I am also going to look at CMS categories as well. Who knows