I am an Administrator, but a little while back I added myself to the UNDELETABLE / UNALTERABLE USERS section of config.php. I need to update my email address and when I clicked on Save (in the AdminCP) I got this message:
Sorry, this user is protected from being altered in the config.php file by the $config['SpecialUsers']['undeletableusers'] variable.
I've edited the config.php file and removed my ID from this section, cleared the System Cache, and even logged out and logged back in to the AdminCP, but it still won't allow me to edit my information, i.e., it won't Save any changes.
What am I missing?
Well, I can change my email address through Settings > Edit Email & Password and the change is reflected in my User account settings as viewed in AdminCP. So at least I was able to change it. But my question still remains: If I removed my ID from the section in config.php, why am I not able to edit my information from within the AdminCP?