Originally Posted by Kane@airrifle
vBulletin version: 4.2.3
PHP Version: 5.6.30
Apache version: 2.4.25
Apache handler: apache2handler
PHP Caching: OPcache
MySQL/MariaDB & version: MariaDB 10.1.21
Engintron Nginx reverse proxy - compiled with http2/alpn
Test board
vBulletin version: 4.2.5 beta 1
PHP Version: 7.0.16
Apache version: 2.4.25
Apache handler: fcgi
PHP Caching: OPcache & APCu
MySQL/MariaDB & version: MariaDB 10.1.21
Thanks for posting.
Did the change to PHP 7 on your test machine eliminate most of the benefits you were getting from Engintron Nginx? Have you tried Engintron Nginx with PHP 7?
Any particular reason you went with fcgi handler on PHP 7?