I am working on the modification system developed by coroner years ago, adding features, completing features, etc. I am doing so because it will be the heart of my site for my releases. Also since I snagged up vbulletin3.org I may just make a dedicated vb.org for vb3 only because we all know it will be archived sooner or later.
So far I have completed:
- tag / untag
- developer / Installed
- users installed version (current, and as of post, so dev can see where the issue was)
- downloads count for Overall, Unique downloads, and this version downloads
- Original thread link that auto fetches the thread title, and same goes for authors page link which will fetch the authors username just by the link. (cause if I release this we all know what it gets used for, mine as well have some type of credit system in place, and I like to link my mods to my vb.org posts as well)
- Products show addons if an addon were created for said product, also addon will show required product if it is an addon
- fixed table for modification options
Some of these ideas came from snogs release for vb4, some came because I was like well damn, why's it missing this, and the link back thing wasn't my idea but I coded / implemented it my own way I have also made many bug fixes, and unseen changes and fixes and yet have many more to complete.
I do have some more ideas of my own which include:
- Tabs
-- Screenshots
-- Changlog
-- Purchase
- Integrate project tools (similar to vbulletin-germany)
- remove paypal verified (because well, it doesn't exist any more, but the donate option will stay)
- fix all phrases for the alt forums (like thread becomes mod, or article, ect..)
- figure out where the OP signature fits
- create my own images
- no manual template edits (might not get all of them auto)
- I can see the way I currently have the link back system set up being taken advantage of, so this will be changed to just using the IDs rather than the full url.
But I want your ideas, tell me something you'd like to see here on vbulletin.org as far as their mod system goes, and I'll do my best to make it happen.
it still looks pretty typical right now and may stay similar to fit in with default vb, but I'm only worried about functionality at the moment, getting things working is step 1

check out the screenies attached or click the links for full resolution images:
Product page
Product settings
Images of the tabs, and changelog implemented
http://imgur.com/a/whAM7 (scroll down, its a gallery)