Hi Lynne,
As much as the link seemed to hold the answer, the solution to edit the file is way beyond my skill-set, and none of the documentation links were clear to me where or how to edit the innodb_log_file_size. Apparently I need to find and edit the my.cnf file, but cannot find it anywhere.
PHPMyAdmin is the portal I use to get into the db.
No help from my host (web.com), and moving the site at this point (that, I know how to do) would probably not change anything since the problem is a screwed up SQL database.
Site has been down for a month... and trying to fix this between jobs.
I found a site that has a list of command lines to do this (I can do this), but cannot find the area in PHP admin to enter these.
Tried the "query" area, but that doesn't seem to be right.
As another solution, will a reinstall of VBulletin clean this up?