As I'm sure you can tell, I'm new at trying to mess with the guts of our forum.

I haven't done any real programming since pre-GUI CP/M & DOS3 days, but I think I remember enough to track this down & fix it - if I can find the code.
If there's anything about the plugin on the MB, I haven't been able to find it. My previous post shows the plugin itself, and the attachment in this post shows where I clicked to show the plugin. I don't see anything to indicate where it came from, when, or why. All I see is the code itself, that it's enabled, and that the section it's in is "Product : vBulletin"
Maybe I'm just being dumb, but I haven't figured out where the code for "Reply to Thread" vs "Reply" vs "Reply with Quote" lives - I can't even find where/how the buttons & their actions are defined. I've identified the plugin, and figured out how it causes the references to be displayed in the thread title by postbit_legacy, but unless I can figure out what calls them, and when, I'm stuck.
If I could find out what code runs when "Reply to Thread" is pressed vs "Reply" etc. I might be able to follow the code and inhibit the reference link when "Reply to Thread" is invoked by zero-ing out either parentid or parentusername.
Where are the buttons & their actions defined? If I can find THAT, I hope I'll see a trail of breadcrumbs that might lead me toward a solution.