Google has released an API that ranks the 'toxicity' of a sentence. Ideally it would show the poster the toxicity of their posts as they type it out. From an article on the subject most people who are offensive are simply having a bad day so a ranking might snap them out of it. Additionally the ability to flag for moderation when the post is above toxicity limit would be great.
Jigsaw and its partners on Google?s Counter Abuse Technology Team released a new piece of code called Perspective, an API that gives any developer access to the anti-harassment tools that Jigsaw has worked on for over a year. Part of the team?s broader Conversation AI initiative, Perspective uses machine learning to automatically detect insults, harassment, and abusive speech online. Enter a sentence into its interface, and Jigsaw says its AI can immediately spit out an assessment of the phrase?s ?toxicity? more accurately than any keyword blacklist, and faster than any human moderator.
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