Originally posted by Joshua Clinard
Why do you insist on being negative when I have asked you not to do so? I have already explored all the options I can think of, including the ones you have mentioned, and some ones that you have not. I have tried everything short of paying someone to update them. I am now exploring that option as well, as I don't have the time to learn PHP myself. Please don't discourage other's from helping me. It is none of your buisiness if they wish to do so. I already stated I am willing to pay a reasonable price to the person who is willing to update a few hacks. Please do not respond to this thread unless you are.
I don't really find him being negative at all, he is merely stating that most hacks that have been released, do in fact work with the latest version of vBulletin (ie: 2.2.6). Little help can be given when little information is provided, you will need to fill us in on what such hacks do not work before we can help you out.
- SaintDog