The "Tom Clancy Presents:" books are not written by him. As such they are not as well-written, and most of the time have ridiculous plotlines and boring stories. For example, the "Op-Center" series is written by Steve Pieczenik (who for the most recent books don't even write them - another guy called Jeff Rovin writes the actual novel, and his name is in small print inside the book). The "Power Plays" series is written by Jerome Preisler. The "Net Force" series is actually written by Steve Perry (though the concept was by Steve Pieczenik), who is of the "Aliens" and "Alien vs Predator" novel fame - he is not bad, but definitely not up to par with Tom Clancy.
Give me a Tom Clancy WRITTEN novel anyday. His best work are his older novels, although Rainbow 6 was good. The Bear and the Dragon is also a great novel.