Originally Posted by tpearl5
Thanks for this! Is it just putting the cursor before the quote tag, or am I missing something?
Other than occasionally testing I never use the WYSIWYG editor myself so I do not really know what the usual cursor position is for it.
After complaints about the massive amount of whitespace the above css kludge adds to quoted contents while editing, particularly irksome when the post is long, I went another route in the end.
I removed the css from editor_contents.css and kept Quick Edit turned off. In New Posting Templates/newpost_quote I simply added 3 blank lines below:
{QUOTE={vb:raw originalposter}]{vb:raw pagetext}[/QUOTE}
It has the same effect as the css kludge without the aggravation of the white space in the quoted content. Users imply move the cursor to the 1st, 2nd or 3rd line below the quote and reply. If you can live an under quote you can put the blank lines above the code.
Originally Posted by sticky
Anyone know if the latest chrome update resolves this?
BirdOPrey5's mod is still relevant with the latest version of Chrome ( 56.0.2924.76 ). I don't think Google will fix it. I don't think the baked in CKEditor needs a complete overhaul either, as far as I know only two files need updating, ckeditor.js and the enhancedsourcearea plugin.