Hi community, sorry but I am new at vBulletin.
I been using this hack: vFCoders - Hide Hack v4 (SHOWTOGROUPS)
To show the hidden data only for restricted users in the forum.
Now things changed in the forum and I need to allow all users get access to the hidden data
I have 6000 threads with this SHOWTOGROUPS code (second screenshot)
I need to remove the code from all 6000 threads, manually it is impossible
I have look the way to remove all 6000 codes in bulk but I failed
Like it is impossible to remove manually the code, what heppen if I remove/delete the hack from the forum?
Should be removed: Exclusive content for the following group (first screenshot)
I imagine the code showtogroups will still there, but after a thanks all users will be alble to see the hidden data
Is that correct?