Hi everyone.
Having some problems with this. Seems like the function ignores the specified recipients users and tries to send to others not in the recipient's list. Also seems that something other goes wrong when I try to send out a PM (receiving "Error: duplicate_post" at the bottom) but not when I simulate setting the "Test PM Only?" option on yes.
An example:
1) set "Test PM Only?" on NO;
2) set "Test Mass PM" as title and "test" as content;
3) set "UserX" as recipient;
That's what I get:
Sending PM
Show users from 1 to 1 of total
105863 - UserY .... array(5) { ["userid"]=> string(6) "105863" ["email"]=> string(24) "UserY@sitename.com" ["usergroupid"]=> string(2) "36" ["username"]=> string(11) "UserY" ["joindate"]=> string(10) "1074263714" } array(4) { ["sentto"]=> int(111319) ["title"]=> string(12) "Test Mass PM" ["rawtext"]=> string(5) "test " ["sender"]=> string(6) "111319" } API Error
Error: duplicate_post
vB version is 5.2.5.
Any suggestion?
Thanks in advance.