I've got a query written that more or less counts words, that I can execute on a per-user basis because it needs the userid in WHEREs.
What I'd like to do is be able to update the entire table and run it as a cron job -- but I can't figure out how to get the userid into the subquery.
X = userid
@thisuser = where I need the userids
SET @thisuser := X;
SET words = (SELECT SUM(words)
FROM (SELECT LENGTH(p.pagetext) - LENGTH(REPLACE(p.pagetext, ' ', ''))+1 AS words
FROM post as p
WHERE userid = @thisuser
SELECT LENGTH(gm.pagetext) - LENGTH(REPLACE(gm.pagetext, ' ', ''))+1 AS words
FROM groupmessage as gm
WHERE postuserid = @thisuser) a)
WHERE userid = @thisuser;
I'm not sure if I'm going about this the wrong way, or just can't figure out how to fetch the userid of the current row that the query is looped on.