Would anyone like to discuss moving to SSL/HTTPS?
I'm guessing this isn't something anyone really wants to talk about. My vBulletin 3 sites seem to find SSL very attractive. No problems. vBulletin 4 is another story. Is anyone running SSL on vB4 without any problems? A few issues I've encountered so far...
1. The editor doesn't work anymore. You need to edit code in class_bootstrap.php to fix that problem. FIXED BY DAVE
2. The "Reply With Quote" button doesn't work anymore - unless you click it once, wait for the spinning "loading" gif to appear - and then click again. Just double clicking doesn't work. FIXED BY DAVE
3. Attachments don't work. You can get as far as clicking submit to upload your file - but then the attachment window just fills with a vBulletin page that states you don't have permission to do what you're doing...
4. Quick User Finder doesn't work anymore and if I search for an email address, I can only search for the domain name - like "gmail.com" - the @ sign or anything before it will prevent it from working. I can hit enter or submit and the data will just clear out...
That's all I found before I gave up and turned SSL off... If anyone would like to talk about their challenges and/or successes, please do...