Originally Posted by WindVoice
Did not work with vbulletin 4.2.3
Any idea?
I've installed it on multiple vB 4.2.3 sites with success. In order for the usergroup legend to display, you have to have the display of "Currently Active Users" and/or the display of "Total members that have visited the forum today" turned on.
To see if you have "Currently Active Users" turned on, follow:
AdminCP -> Settings -> Options -> Forum Home: Options
Check the setting "Display Logged in Users?" and see which option you have chosen.
To see if you have "Total members that have visited the forum today" turned on, follow:
AdminCP -> Settings -> Options -> Forum Home: Visiting Members
Check the setting "Enable Display" and see which option you have chosen.
If you don't have either of these options turned on, then the usergroup legend won't display, since no users are being displayed in the "What's Going On?" block.